No, seriously. You are. Perfect. I know it’s hard to believe, but bear with me a minute. It’s the first of the year and everywhere, everyone is looking back at 2013, itemizing and analyzing their lives, and spitting out formulas for improvement in 2014. The harsh scrutiny that people subject themselves to year round gets ratcheted up …
Sometimes I forget how truly awesome my life is these days. And how vastly different it is from how it used to be. Step into my DeLorean and join me on a little flashback for a moment (watch your head on the door!): Hello! It’s me from a few years back. Here’s what my day to …
Yesterday, I took a class in lacto-fermentation. What!? Exactly. It was awesome. And random. Something totally random that I had an interest in and decided to learn something about. (FYI: lacto-fermentation is when foods break down into lactic acid and produce healthy bacteria that’s good for your digestion. Like sauerkraut! Which I made a beautiful …
Here, in no particular order, is a list of things I am passionate about: Words; how they fit together (or not), how we do our best to use them (poor approximations though they are) to express those things which are enormous in magnitude, the things that rock us and move us and inspire us and …
One of the many brilliant bits of wisdom I have learned from teachers Ariel and Shya Kane is this: “Enlightenment is overcoming your bratty nature.” But I have to admit, until the other day, I never really, fully understood what it meant. My mom is an amazing lady. She has unquestioningly supported every creative pursuit …